Permitted Use:
The OR Lab is accessible to any student taking courses in immersive technology through the SOJC. Priority reservations go to students taking classes in related content through the Strategic Communication and Multimedia Journalism programs.
The OR Lab is additionally accessible to faculty working on grant-funded content or research projects that contribute to lab funding and/or demonstrate innovative work in the fields of immersive technology and communication.
Community education courses and workshops will be approved and coordinated through SOJC staff and faculty only.
Non-Permitted Use:
The OR Lab is not to be used for personal recreation including but not limited to:
Personal game play and social media use beyond classroom evaluations and instruction
The OR Lab should not be used by students, faculty or staff not taking, teaching or conducting research in immersive technology.
Accessibility & Hours:
OR Lab hours will be posted at the start of each term and are based on building hours, course schedules, demand and lab assistant coverage.
Auxiliary workstations are located on floor 3R just off of the elevators and are available for use during off lab hours and on a first come, first serve basis.
General Equipment Policy:
All equipment should be handled with care and in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations.
All students, faculty, staff and visitors should be mindful of cords, outlets and sensor towers.
Direct sunlight to the headset lenses should be avoided.
Bending or twisting cables and cords should be avoided.
Damage to equipment may result in repair or replacement fees as well as disciplinary action up to and including removal and restriction from the lab in the case of multiple offenses.
Head Mounted Display and Observer Conduct:
The OR Lab is committed to fostering a safe and comfortable environment for users to explore and engage in immersive technology. It is prohibited to poke, jab, scare or tease anyone using a Head Mounted Display (HMD), as this could result in injury or discomfort to the user.
Observers to those using an HMD must provide adequate space for the VR or AR user(s) to move freely and interact with their immersive environment. Remember: HMD users may not be able to see their physical environment. It is the responsibly of the observer to avoid any collisions
Running, spinning or general rough housing is prohibited in the lab, as this can result in injury to both HMD users and observers.
As a general rule, if observers see an HMD user starting to get a cord wrapped around their legs, it is their responsibility to vocalize possible hazards and let the HMD user know to stop and adjust before any injuries occur.
OR Lab & 3rd Floor Auxiliary Workstation Terms of Use:
An equipment “Use and Care” walk-through with the OR Lab Assistant or OR Lab Manager is required prior to using the equipment in the lab. A signed checkoff sheet and record of walk-through will be kept on file at the OR Lab front desk. See Access & Checkout for more details.
Equipment use is allowed within the OR Lab only and is not intended for personal check out or off-campus use at this time, with exception of the following:
Student presentations related to coursework and research. Approval required.
Faculty presentations and demonstrations related to coursework and research.
Specific gear designated for off-campus use and checkout (see Access & Checkout for details)
Food and beverages are not permitted in the lab outside of designated areas. If you see food or beverages near sensitive equipment, please move them to one of these locations. Damage to equipment as a result of food or beverage spills may result in repair or replacement fees as well as disciplinary action up to and including removal and restriction from the lab for repeat offenses.
Computer and Internet Policy
Internet Usage
Internet use in the OR Lab is limited to content related to coursework and research. Internet use brings the possibility of breaches to the security of confidential information. Internet use also creates the possibility of contamination to the University of Oregon’s networking system via viruses or spyware. Spyware allows unauthorized people, outside of the university, potential access to passwords and other confidential information. Removing such programs from the University of Oregon network requires IT staff to invest time and attention to removal and cleanup. For this reason, we ask that students, faculty and staff avoid potentially unsafe websites and sites with banner advertisements. Additionally, under no circumstances may University computers or other electronic equipment be used to obtain or view inappropriate content. Doing so can lead to disciplinary action up to and including removal and restriction from the lab.
Personal Accounts
It is the responsibility of the user to log out of all personal accounts upon completion of work at one of the OR lab workstations. The University of Oregon and the OR Lab are not responsible for any mishaps that occur as a result of students, staff or faculty failing to log out of their personal accounts.
Media Policy
Guidelines for Interaction on the Internet | Multi-user Immersive Spaces
If students, faculty or staff are interacting in social VR spaces, writing a blog or posting content on social media that will mention The University of Oregon, OR Lab and/or current and potential projects, partners and faculty, please identify that you are a student, faculty or staff member and that the views you express are yours alone and do not represent the views of the University.
Unless given permission, students are not authorized to speak on behalf of the University or the OR Lab.
Media and/or Industry Contact
Media or Industry contacts reaching out regarding the OR Lab and current and potential projects, events, faculty, students or staff should be referred to the OR Lab Manager or OR Lab Director.
Respectful Interactions
Do not engage in name calling or behavior that will cause harm to yourself or others . Note that the use of copyrighted materials, unfounded or derogatory statements, or misrepresentation is not viewed favorably and can result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension from the lab.
Cell Phone Policy
The cell phone policy applies to any device that makes or receives phone calls, leaves messages, sends text messages, surfs the Internet, or downloads and allows for the reading of and responding to email.
Cell Phones or Similar Devices During Presentations or Class Sessions
The OR Lab is aware that students, faculty, staff and visitors utilize their cell phones for business and personal purposes. At the same time, cell phones can be a distraction during presentations, class sessions and for those working on research in the lab. To ensure the effectiveness of instruction/hands-on activities, and to create a courteous working and learning environment, all students, faculty, staff and visitors are asked to have their cell phones in silent mode and take phone calls outside of the lab. On the unusual occasion of an emergency or anticipated emergency that requires immediate attention, the recipient may do so at their own discretion.
Dress Code
Footwear and Attire
Closed toed shoes are recommended while using the equipment in the OR Lab.
Flip-flops, slippers, and any shoe with an open toe are not recommended due to the tripping hazard associated when using the headsets, cords and room-based VR setup.
Attire: Midriff tops, shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, or slogans are not permitted in the lab.
Jewelry, Makeup, Perfume, and Cologne
Jewelry, makeup, perfume, and cologne are easily transmitted to the headsets. Additionally, some students, faculty, staff or visitors may be allergic to these products. Please wear these substances with restraint or not at all.
Drug & Alcohol-Free Lab
The OR Lab is committed to providing a safe environment and promote and protect the health, safety, and well-being of all those who utilize the lab. The use of alcohol or unprescribed drugs are prohibited. The University of Oregon cares about students’ health, safety, and academic success and has a longstanding commitment to proactively address high-risk drinking and substance use. The illegal use and abuse of alcohol or other drugs by students interferes with the academic learning process and places the safety of individuals and the campus community at risk. Like many universities across the country, our goal is to improve academic success and the quality of student life on the campus by increasing healthy lifestyles and reducing the harm associated with alcohol and other drug abuse.
The Office of the Dean of Students website provides a list of policies, programs, and information that is distributed to all students, including:
Written information regarding applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding alcohol possession and use
Campus policies and standards of conduct regarding alcohol and drug use and the related sanctions
A description of health risks associated with the use of alcohol and drugs; and
A description of treatment and counseling programs available on campus.
Policy Against Harassment
The OR Lab is committed to providing a learning and working environment for all that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for those utilizing the lab, as well as individuals encountered in social VR spaces.
The lab commitment begins with the recognition and acknowledgment that sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment are, of course, unlawful. To reinforce this commitment, the University of Oregon has developed policies against harassment and reporting procedures for students and employees who have been subjected to or witnessed harassment. This policy applies to all school‐related settings and activities, whether inside or outside, and includes field trips and school‐related social events.
The University of Oregon and the OR Lab property (e.g., telephones, copy machines, fax machines, computers, and computer applications such as email, social VR and Internet access) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. University of Oregon policy against harassment covers employees, students and other individuals who have a relationship with the school which enables the University to exercise some control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that relate to University work (e.g., directors, officers, contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.).
Please review the below links for full University policy descriptions and procedures:
Policies & Procedures